Monday 6 June 2011

Idea for music video

As a group we have chosen to use ten people or more to mime in our music video. We each are taking turns to take the music video home and shoot some friends/family to mime the lyrics for us then we edit it through "Final Cut Pro" which we have learnt how to use with flash backs to videos already on the system.

Our background video will take place in different locations with different people miming. The locations will take place inside and outdoors which we thought that if we do both not just stick to one location it be more eye catching and interesting to watch.

"Nickelback" INSPIRATION.

We found Nickelback inspirational because in their music video "rockstar" which it was an all time favourites to the audiences back in the day. As a group we found their song interesting and they had a inspirational music video "Rockstar," which they had miming throughout the song which we all liked as a group and decided to do the same but with our own ideas.

Music Video - Lyrics

Steve walks warily down the street, 
With the brim pulled way down low 
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, 
Machine guns ready to go 
Are you ready, Are you ready for this 
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat 
Out of the doorway the bullets rip 
To the sound of the beat 

Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
And another one gone, and another one gone 
Another one bites the dust 
Hey, I'm gonna get you too 
Another one bites the dust 

How do you think I'm going to get along, 
Without you, when you're gone 
You took me for everything that I had, 
And kicked me out on my own 

Are you happy, are you satisfied 
How long can you stand the heat 
Out of the doorway the bullets rip 
To the sound of the beat 

Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man 
And bring him to the ground 
You can beat him 
You can cheat him 
You can treat him bad and leave him 
When he's down 
But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you 
I'm standing on my own two feet 
Out of the doorway the bullets rip 
Repeating the sound of the beat

New brief - Music Video

The song we have chosen as a group me, Holly and Casey is "Another one bites the dust" by "Queen."
We chose this music video because its a very well known song and the viewers will know the song well. I like the chorus because its easy to sing and the lyrics are catching and funny which i think the audience will like.

What we have decided to do as a group for our music video is find family members or friends miming the lyrics then we are having the song playing in the background. We chose this from our inspiration by "Nickleback" the song "Rockstar." 

Monday 7 February 2011

Creating a Triptych in Photoshop.

Here i have created my own example of triptych in photoshop, iv use these three photograph's because i thought the two in the studio were of my own photography which were bright and in focus well, then the one of Helen is really vintage and its one of my favourite pictures.

First step i did on photoshop was open three of my three photography pictures, i cropped my images and selected the crop tool to start the cropping, then i resized the images to 300dpi so they all were the same size. I clicked on the 'front image' button ob the menu bar for the crop tool.

Second step i did was to put each image in one file, whilst keeping them in their own individual layers. I clicked on the one of the images and pressed the 'v' key (move tool.)
Then i dragged

Monday 31 January 2011

My Album Cover

This is my final design for my Red Hot Chilli Peppers Album.

This is the back of my C.D cover, i did this by copying chilli's from google images, i cut out the chilli's and changed the colours to white which i thought worked well with the red theme for red hot!!
Then i pasted them on photoshop then pasted the song lyrics. 

This is my silhouette, i did this by using the cut out tool which i used around the group, and changed the colour so its bright and looks more eye catching, i chose this colour because it sorted the album with the darker through the legs upwards gets lighter, i liked this effect.

I like this silhouette effect because i like the way their blacked out with rock look music instruments.
I looked at the artist Andy Potts as i like his silhouette work its gives a different and interesting effect.
I also like the way you can tell that its a rock group by looking at the silhouette straight away this is why i wanted my album cover to look different.

Here is one my own photograph taken with a digital camera, and i have silhouette Zach with an amp that made it look a bit rocky, i did a photo shoot but wasn't really happy because i didn't have time to borrow a guitar which was my original plan, but it i had taken more time with this i could of put more effort into it. 

Monday 17 January 2011

Andy Potts.


I have looked my Andy Potts photoshop work which i was inspired by his work by helping me with my own ideas for my cd cover.

Here are a few images by Andy Potts:

This photoshop image is full of colour and they are all matching colours, i like that there have photoshop shapes and pictures inside the image of a shadow person. This has given me an idea to photograph an image of someone holding a guitar, style will be rocky then i will photoshop it into a silhouette and copy my ideas and pictures inside the silhouette. I am going to use colour background an rocky style.

This is another silhouette of a side view with computers, laptops and telly around the image, this is another inspiration that i like and my idea of shapes and pictures inside the photo shoot that i do of a silhouette, i could make the images around the photograph and i will experiment my different ideas, and see what looks the best.

I liked this image because its bright and colourful so the inspiration of this picture would be the colour effects that i really like, all the colours match up together and i like all the pretty pictures around it, theres lots of green and trees, grass, flowers and butterflies its like a forests.

I like this image because i like the building effect in the background, i like the different colour pictures of people walking in a silhouette.